Author: Craig Wilson

Emerging-markets private equity firm Actis has agreed to acquire electronic payments specialist Paycorp Holdings, part of South African financial services group Transaction Capital, in a blockbuster deal worth R937m. Paycorp has been a wholly

The Titan shock- and water-resistant Android-powered Rugged Phone has been designed for the toughest conditions a mobile phone is ever likely to encounter, and it certainly looks the part. It doesn’t offer the latest and greatest in smartphone specifications, but it’ll probably survive an adventure

The invention of Vodacom’s “Please call me” service came under scrutiny when former Vodacom CEO Alan Knott-Craig testified in the high court in Johannesburg, Business Report reported on Wednesday. In Knott-Craig’s biography, Second is Nothing

Tourism Radio has turned to US crowd-funding website Kickstarter in an effort to raise £35 000 (R530 000) to fund the development of travel guides for Google Glass. Based in Cape Town, Tourism Radio was founded in 2005 by entrepreneur Mark Allewell. The

Kenya’s capital city is to receive a “smart system” of digital traffic lights and closed-circuit television cameras as part of an integrated security and traffic control system. The city, which is notorious for its traffic jams, is dependent on enormous numbers of traffic police officers for directing traffic, particularly

Is the department of communications trying to delay the unbundling of Telkom’s local loop? Industry insiders believe its proposal that the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (Icasa) first conduct a regulatory impact assessment, or RIA, suggests just that. The purpose

Neotel has written to the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (Icasa) asking for clarity on possible delays to the process of unbundling Telkom’s local loop. This comes after Icasa agreed not to publish the draft regulations on local-loop unbundling (LLU) so that recently appointed communications

Telkom has signed a settlement agreement with the South African Communications Union (Sacu), bringing an end to a wage dispute with three trade unions that began in March. CEO Sipho Maseko says he’s “very pleased” the company has reached agreement with Sacu. “Just to be very open and frank, I think there were legitimate

The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (Icasa) has finalised draft regulations on local-loop unbundling (LLU) but is holding off on publishing them until new communications minister Yunus Carrim has read them and provided feedback. The local loop is the

The National Research Foundation’s three astronomical observatories have got together to form the South African Astroinformatics Alliance (SA³) to act as a “virtual observatory”. The three facilities are the South African Astronomical Observatory, the Hartebeesthoek Radio Astronomy Observatory and the Square Kilometer Array