Author: Craig Wilson

With its new BlackBerry 10 (BB10) platform, Canada’s BlackBerry isn’t simply looking to silence its critics by offering a smartphone as good as anything else on the market. It also wants the operating system to be the frontrunner in what CEO Thorsten Heins calls “the move from mobile

Founded in 1998, Canada’s Communitech is the sort of start-up incubator and new business creator any country would dream of. What started as a small group of entrepreneurs looking to support one another and other new businesses, the Communitech network now includes more than

The BlackBerry 7 (BB7) operating system isn’t likely to disappear any time soon, and neither is the flat-rated and unlimited Internet and e-mail proposition, the BlackBerry Internet Service (BIS), that has made BB7-powered devices so popular in emerging markets. In fact, BlackBerry

BlackBerry hasn’t ruled out the possibility of licensing its new operating system, BlackBerry 10 (BB10), to other smartphone manufacturers if the business model and timing for such a move were right. “Licensing is part of our strategic review and we’re looking into this,” Heins tells TechCentral at BlackBerry’s Canadian

Under Alan Knott-Craig, Cell C is slowly evolving from being just a minor nuisance to Vodacom and MTN into something altogether more threatening.
Whether it’s in call rates, flexible contract terms or free airtime, Knott-Craig is determined to hit his competitors where it hurts in an effort

Banking group Nedbank has launched a mobile point-of-sale (POS) device, called the PocketPOS, that accepts both magnetic and chip-and-Pin credit and debit cards. The device connects to a smartphone using Bluetooth and is operated by means of a mobile application. The PocketPOS

The flat-rate BlackBerry Internet Service (BIS), which has helped make BlackBerry devices so popular in South Africa, may soon be a thing of the past, with talk that operators plan to opt for bundled data of the sort offered with other smartphones. This may apply to older devices

Retailer Look & Listen has said that from next Tuesday, 12 February, it will no longer offer consumers the option to make purchases of either physical goods or digital downloads from its website, reversing a trend by bricks-and-mortar retailers to online sales. The company

Smartphones offer a potential wealth of data in terms of the location of their users and, given the cost of different devices, their income bracket.
For digital advertisers, this means mobile websites can be monetised more easily by selling highly targeted and hyper-local ads. That’s one

A new Johannesburg-based start-up, MiName, has been established to connect consumers with brands they actually want to hear from, while rewarding them at the same time for accepting to be marketed to. Users decide who can market what to them