Artificial intelligence is arriving in newsrooms. What does it mean for the future of journalism, and the media and entertainment industries more broadly?
Author: Mark Nasila
Artificial intelligence can allow financial services providers to make use of alternative data sources to assess creditworthiness. This could prove transformative.
New technologies like artificial intelligence have made it easier for cybercriminals to scale up their attacks and make them more effective, writes FNB’s Mark Nasila.
Banking will have to embed legacy channels within emerging technologies like AI and ML to spearhead contextual banking. Customers won’t accept anything less. By Mark Nasila.
The criticalness of the current energy challenges call for South Africa to follow suit in leveraging AI and emerging technologies to reimagine the future of energy. By Mark Nasila.
To achieve unique results in the technology era, you can’t keep thinking about data the same old way. Instead, you need to consider the unique ways you can harness it to provide equally unique solutions to your clients. By FNB’s Mark Nasila.