In this promoted episode of the podcast, TechCentral interviews Avsharn Bachoo, chief technology officer at mutual financial services provider PPS, about the company’s massive digital transformation project and how and why it chose to migrate its IT systems into the cloud.
Founded in 1941, PPS is the only mutual financial services company in South Africa that focuses exclusively on graduate professionals, providing tailor-made insurance, investment and healthcare solutions to its members.
In the podcast, Bachoo explains why PPS embarked on the project, why it chose Google and Microsoft as its cloud partners, and the lessons the company learnt along the way.
What exactly was involved in preparing for and then managing a project of this magnitude? Bachoo talks about why PPS embarked on this journey and what other companies should be considering before they embark on similar digital transformation projects.
The project has allowed PPS to be more flexible and innovative, allowing it to implement advanced technologies such as machine learning and artificial intelligence to better serve its members.
Bachoo walks through what was involved from a process and cultural perspective in effecting enormous technological change.
It’s a great listen, with many learnings for corporate South Africa. Don’t miss it!
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