Economic Freedom Fighters leader Julius Malema on Monday said he supported the legalisation of dagga.
“We have no problem with marijuana being legalised. It must be legalised. It must be dealt with professionally so that it is not abused and used for wrong purposes,” Malema told reporters at the EFF’s national list conference in Midrand.
“I think alcohol is more dangerous than marijuana. I tried [marijuana] once and then after trying I went home to cook and I messed up everything in the kitchen.”
The EFF leader said his mother came and beat him up.
“The first question she asked: ‘Did you smoke dagga?’. So I thought this thing was too obvious, let me leave it.
“I have seen a lot of people smoke it, and read and not have any problems. But I have never seen people drink alcohol and read books afterwards.”
Malema said he saw people who drank alcohol get into cars and cause accidents.
“I have never been told that there is a single accident caused by a dagga smoker. There is no solid reason why it can’t be legalised,” he said.
“If there is anything that must be made illegal, it is alcohol. I have not been drinking in the last six months.”