There’s more than a whiff of déjà vu in Safe House. With the graininess of every frame, the overuse of handheld shaky cam in the action scenes, and the presence of Denzel Washington as a hard-nosed government agent, you’d be forgiven for mistaking it for a Tony Scott film. As much as Safe House
The Competition Tribunal will spend up to three days next week hearing closing arguments in the case between Telkom and the Competition Commission over allegations the operator abused its monopoly position, in the process harming competition in the sector. The hearings took
Microsoft’s plan to bring Windows to ARM chips has been a curious endeavor, mainly because the company hasn’t offered many specifics about how the new version of Windows will differ from the traditional x86 and 64-bit versions of the operating system. That all changed on Thurdsay with
As scandals go, it is a corker. It involves secret recordings of lobbyists talking to tycoons about ministers, fraudulent documents, unrelated firms that share the same e-mail address, clueless foreigners piling into a vast market, bank drafts with dates that make no sense, PR flacks taped schmoozing
Competing mobile operators MTN and Turkcell were silent this week on the latter’s claims that MTN bribed its way into Iran six years ago. But circumstances surrounding MTN’s audacious entry into Iran, and the SA government’s concurrent diplomatic efforts there, provide a compelling
Companies that provide voice-over-Internet Protocol (VoIP) telephony services are going to come under significant margin pressure after March and this could lead to a wave of consolidation in the sector, with some smaller players being driven out of business. This is the bleak view of Ryan Miles
South Africans have flocked to BlackBerry devices in recent years because of the cheap and unlimited on-device browsing, chat and e-mail offered through the BlackBerry Internet Service (BIS). Now MTN is hoping to bring similarly priced offerings to other smartphone devices. On Thursday
At public hearings in Johannesburg on Thursday, the Independent Communications Authority of SA (Icasa) said it would consider all submissions by interested parties in creating an official definition of what constitutes an “underserviced area” for both Internet access and access to public
The Independent Communications Authority of SA (Icasa) is holding public hearings on Thursday to allow telecommunications operators to present their definitions of an “underserviced area”. The definitions are important because, under Icasa’s guidelines for future spectrum allocation
How far does an iPad get you on the road in Africa, perhaps the toughest continent for travellers? Your correspondent spent a month finding out, while journeying 8 000km overland in eastern and southern Africa, two of the continent’s better connected regions. Between Nairobi in Kenya and Cape Town