Browsing: Apple

On Monday, Alan Knott-Craig will move into his new office at 150 Rivonia Road. Expectations among industry players and consumers alike about his looming tenure at the helm of Cell C are running high. Can the man who built Vodacom turn the smaller operator

Apple on Monday finally offered up some plans for its nearly US$100bn war chest, and it’ll almost certainly please the company’s shareholders. The company announced that it will initiate a quarterly dividend of $2,65/share beginning the fourth fiscal quarter (beginning 1 July), as well as a $10bn share repurchase programme

The third generation of Apple’s hugely successful iPad went on sale on Friday. Hordes of eager fans queued outside their local Apple Store, Best Buy, Radio Shack, Walmart and other outlets to be among the first to lay their hands on the latest and greatest version of the iconoclastic tablet computer. Apple is geared up to sell millions during

Apple will hold a conference call on Monday to announce plans for its large cash balance. The company is sitting on about US$98bn in cash, and investors are getting increasingly antsy and clamouring for a dividend or share buyout. Tim Cook and Apple’s chief financial officer, Peter Oppenheimer, will host the call

Not long after Steve Jobs died last year, wags eulogised the Apple co-founder with a joke: “Ten years ago we had Steve Jobs, Bob Hope and Johnny Cash. Now we have no jobs, no hope and no cash.” Apple may no longer have Jobs, but it fills investors with hope and is brimming with cash. Its market capitalisation recently passed US$500bn

If you believe the claptrap coming out of the Apple camp in the past week, then you’ll accept as gospel that the era of the personal computer is over. Nothing could be further from the truth. The PC is alive and well; it’s just being reinvented. Listening to Apple CEO Tim Cook’s keynote speech at the launch of the iPad 3 (sorry, the “new iPad”) last week

Steven Levy was not interested in technology when he growing up. Rather, he was into music in a big way. Coming of age in the 1960s, he wanted to be a music critic because they were almost like rock stars themselves. But the times were, unfortunately, a-changin’

Twenty years ago, on 11 March 1992, Nathaniel Borenstein sent the world’s first e-mail attachment. Although it created little excitement beyond the small group of people involved with the project, today Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions technology (Mime, for short) is used an estimated trillion times a day

Core Group, which distributes Apple products in SA, has cut the price of the iPad 2 by as much as R1 400, fuelling rumours that the third-generation iPad, launched this week by Apple CEO Tim Cook, could go on sale in the country in the next few months. Prices of all iPad 2’s have been cut, with reductions of between

Inside a remote mountain in Texas, a gargantuan clock is being pieced together, capable of telling the time for the next 10 000 years. Once the clock is finished, people willing to make the difficult trek will be able to visit the vast chamber housing it, along with displays marking various anniversaries of its operation