Browsing: Eskom

Eskom called for cost-related tariff increases on Tuesday, citing Sanral’s woes as proof that the consumer-pay principle needs to apply to safeguard the credit ratings of parastatals. Finance director Paul O’Flaherty told MPs the utility needed tariffs to reach a cost-reflective level of 90c per kilowatt-hour in real terms

What company would ask its customers to buy less of its product and, at the same time, promptly increase prices? That dubious distinction goes to Eskom. The parastatal has increased its prices to improve the supply and distribution of electricity, yet pays

The Democratic Alliance called on Thursday for public enterprises minister Malusi Gigaba, as well as representatives from Eskom and Transnet, to appear before MPs for urgent talks on the massive scale of copper theft. “Minister Gigaba confirmed [in a written reply to a parliamentary question] that Eskom and Transnet

Eskom’s services will not be disrupted on Wednesday as a result of the nationwide strike against e-tolling and labouring broking planned by trade union federation Cosatu, the parastatal said. “The section of the Labour Relations Act that allows for this [industrial action] is only for workers not involved in essential services

As electricity prices continue to spike higher each year and as Eskom continues pleading with residential and business users to cut their consumption to prevent another wave of nationwide rolling blackouts, there is growing interest from South Africans in highly power-efficient LED lighting technology

Eskom is struggling to maintain a balance between a steady power supply and a growing need to maintain old power stations, the state-owned energy company said on Monday. “Most power stations are in mid-life and require increased maintenance. However, maintenance has been continually shifted in order to ensure we meet

Public enterprises minister Malusi Gigaba wants all parastatals to be brought under his department to drive economic growth, he told the Sunday Times at the weekend. His department currently controlled eight parastatals, including SAA, Transnet, Eskom and Denel. With the exception of Broadband Infraco

Eskom grew its net profit to R12,8bn in the six months to the end of September, chief financial officer Paul O’Flaherty said on Wednesday. The power utility grew revenue to R63,9bn, which was mainly driven by the 25,8% tariff increase, granted by the National Energy Regulator of SA

Power utility Eskom signed a US250m (R1,9 billion) loan on Monday that will finance the building of SA’s largest solar energy and wind power generation projects. Signing the guarantee, finance minister Pravin Gordhan said SA had a “huge comparative advantage”

To most of us, the Internet is pretty close to magic. Type in a search, click a link, and the info just arrives on our screens. There isn’t any visible evidence that actual work is needed to make this happen; no grinding gears or roaring burners, and there