Browsing: General Motors

Stocks were supposed to be mired in a bear market after they plunged in March as the coronavirus pandemic shut business and sent unemployment to its highest rate since the Great Depression. Except they aren’t.

Uber Technologies has halted autonomous vehicle tests after one of its cars struck and killed a woman in Tempe, Arizona, in what is likely the first pedestrian fatality involving the technology. The 49-year-old woman, Elaine

On any given day, there could be a half dozen autonomous cars mapping the same street corner in Silicon Valley. These cars, each from a different company, are all doing the same thing: building high-definition street maps

If you believe the optimists, self-driving cars will dominate our roads within a couple decades. This will reduce or even eliminate such human-created ills as traffic jams and fatal accidents. I’m not so

Are electric cars ready to stand on their own? If you took a spin down to the New York International Auto Show last week and saw the $37 500 (R486 000) Chevy Bolt (electric) parked next to

Elon Musk’s Tesla briefly surpassed General Motors to become America’s most valuable car maker, eclipsing a company whose well-being was once viewed as interdependent with the nation’s. A week after topping Ford, Tesla climbed

A quarter of all miles driven in the US could be in shared, self-driving electric cars by the end of the next decade, setting off a seismic shift that will upend the car industry, according to a study on the rise of the autonomous age. A convergence of

After fuelling the 20th century car culture that reshaped cities and defined modern life, petrol has had its day. The International Energy Agency forecasts that global petrol consumption has all but peaked as more efficient cars and the