The department of home affairs has dismissed a senior official found guilty on counts relating to gross negligence and gross dereliction of duty.
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Operating hours at home affairs offices will be extended to 6.30pm on Monday after the department’s systems went offline nationwide on Friday.
The department of home affairs said on Friday that its systems are offline nationwide, limiting its ability to serve the public.
Khumbudzo Ntshavheni has notched up a couple of successes on her watch. But the communications minister now risks making a hash of things.
Communications minister Khumbudzo Ntshavheni said every South African learner will get a free, government-supplied e-mail address, with the project to kick off later this year.
Government said it’s working to restore access to a number of state websites that were hit by an outage on Monday.
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EOH Holdings CEO Stephen van Coller said late on Friday that he is confident that the IT services group will not be blacklisted by government.