Author: Editor

This week, your panel contains the technical prowess of Dave Greenway, analytical mastery of Steven Ambrose and Simon Dingle, who’s okay. We suppose. They discuss the launch of the new iPad in SA, HTC’s new smartphones, Intel’s Ivy Bridge reveal, new Macs, Adobe CS6 and much more

The fierce battles between SA and Australia normally reserved for the rugby field and cricket pitch have spilled over into the realm of science. With the national teams resting, the media and politicians have been kicking insults across the Indian Ocean over the hosting of one of the world’s largest and most important scientific endeavours

New twists have emerged in the US$4,2bn lawsuit filed by MTN’s cellphone rival, Turkcell, in a US court. Chris Kilowan, the disgruntled former MTN director in Iran who, according to sources, approached Turkcell with MTN memos that formed part of the court filings but have yet to be verified, could find that his actions backfire on him.

Rugby is a rough sport but it requires very little protective gear. That’s why one in four players can expect to be injured during a season. So, IBM is helping teams such as the Leicester Tigers in the UK to use predictive analytics to understand and reduce the injury rate for rugby players. As more and more money is at stake in pro sports

Can reality trump art? That was the question hovering over the launch on 24 April, at the Museum of Flight in Seattle, of a plan by a firm called Planetary Resources to mine metals from asteroids and bring them back to Earth. It sounds like the plot of a film by James Cameron — and, appropriately, Cameron is indeed one of the company’s backers. The team

In 1086, William the Conqueror completed a comprehensive survey of England and Wales. The Domesday Book, as it came to be called, contained details of 13 418 places and 112 boroughs — and is still available for public inspection at the National Archives in London. Not so the original version of a new survey that was commissioned for the

Picture yourself as a historian in 2035, trying to make sense of this year’s American election campaign. Many of the websites and blogs now abuzz with news and comment will have long since perished. Data stored electronically decays. Many floppy disks from the early digital age are already unreadable. If you are lucky, copies of

A ruling which would let the City of Johannesburg off the hook for inaccurate and inflated billing faces a court challenge, the Sunday Times reported at the weekend. The National Consumer Commission will ask the high court to set aside a ruling made by the National Consumer Tribunal, which cancelled 45 compliance notices which the commission

Unions and opposition parties at the weekend applauded the decision by the high court in Pretoria to put the controversial e-toll system on hold with immediate effect. Trade federation Cosatu said the decision would allow more time to look at alternative methods of funding road construction and usage. “We hope that the e-toll system will be abandoned forever

Marvel’s master plan for an all-star superhero film with some of its most popular characters has finally come together in The Avengers, a rousing special FX blockbuster that delivers exactly what most comic-book fans will be looking for. It’s an enjoyable