Author: Editor

First National Bank has launched its first hi-tech “dotFNB” store in Johannesburg. The outlet is meant to introduce customers to FNB’s various digital channels and show off technologies like an “interactive surface” that supports both touch interaction and augmented reality and allows customers to interact with the bank and its products and

Vodacom stands accused of using political and diplomatic pressure in its battle with a fixer who recently won a case against it in a Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) court, which ordered the company to pay him US$21m. A lawyer representing Moto Mabanga, the SA-based fixer, has

MTN, the R255bn Johannesburg-listed cellphone giant, is in danger of being whacked with sanctions by the US for its telecommunication activities in Iran and Syria. US President Barack Obama issued an executive order this week that allows American authorities for the first time to impose sanctions on individuals or entities found to have

There is a certain Darwinian poetry in the fact that Cable & Wireless Worldwide, a remnant of a once mighty telecommunications empire based on telegraph wires and established in the 1850s, looks set to be eaten up by Vodafone, a contemporary telecoms industry giant born only in 1985. Even as late as 1999, C&W (CWW’s predecessor

A pilot project to replace identity documents with smart cards will start in about six months, home affairs minister Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma said on Wednesday. Dlamini-Zuma, who showed off her own smart card to journalists ahead of her budget speech in parliament, said the cards would go a long way towards stamping out corruption in the home affairs

E-tolling in Gauteng is the only viable way to pay for the R20bn spent on improving the province’s freeways, deputy transport minister Jeremy Cronin said on Wednesday. “If we could rewind the clock back to 2007, we would not be embarking on this project [Gauteng Freeway Improvement Project] at all. We have

Puleng Sejanamane has been appointed CEO of the state-owned Broadband Infraco by public enterprises minister Malusi Gigaba. “This is one of the final building blocks being put into place to re-establish the leadership team at Infraco, under the guidance of a revitalised and re-energised board,” Gigaba’s department

Following Telkom’s 30% reduction in the fees it charges Internet service providers to access its broadband digital subscriber line (DSL) access network earlier this month, Dimension Data division Internet Solutions has announced a range of changes to its product portfolio in what amounts to an effective reduction in bandwidth costs for

Telkom is inching closer to a deal with Korea’s KT Corp, the JSE-listed fixed-line operator told shareholders on Wednesday. The operator once again renewed a cautionary notice to shareholders about the talks, which it first revealed in October 2011. According to a new statement from Telkom, the two companies have

Apple announced its second quarter earnings Tuesday, turning it US$39,2bn in revenue, beating analyst estimates of $36,8bn. The company raked in $11,6bn in net income. Year over year, Apple’s net profit increased by 94%. Last quarter, Apple announced $13,1bn in net profit, blowing Wall Street estimates out of the water