Author: Editor

“Money is like poison. At the very end, it always kills you,” a gangster’s flame-haired moll tells the antihero of Congolese flick Viva Riva! It’s a brief flicker of trite morality in an otherwise unashamedly blood-soaked and sex-stained film set in Kinshasa where everybody

When TechCentral reviewed LG Electronics’ Optimus Black earlier this year, we were rather impressed with its slim profile, great feature set and reasonable price. So, it was with some excitement that we unboxed its latest relation, the 3D Optimus. Unfortunately

No one wanted Steve Jobs when he was born. His biological father was a young Syrian professor at the University of Wisconsin, his mother a graduate student. Her family would not allow them to marry and she was forced to give him up for adoption in the bitter

Personal navigation device manufacturer TomTom has released a Top Gear edition of its Go Live personal satellite navigation device. The device features the voice of Top Gear host Jeremy Clarkson. The 4,3-inch touch screen device also supports TomTom’s traffic information

SA’s justice system is going high-tech with a platform that will prevent meddling with case files, high court judge Eberhard Bertelsmann said on Thursday. “With this system, judges will be given an electronic case file the moment a case is opened. The

“QR code” transactional systems and touch-based holographic interfaces. Inter-Africa Telecoms has a team of only half a dozen people, but the SA start-up clearly has big — and rather geeky — plans. Until now, the company’s core focus has been providing prepaid solutions

Neotel has won a contract to run the primary network operating centre, or NOC, for the West Africa Cable System (Wacs), the new, high-capacity submarine system running between Cape Town and London. Wacs is due to be ready for commercial service early next

JSE-listed Blue Label Telecoms is buying back the 12% stake Microsoft bought in it in 2007. At the same time, Microsoft SA MD Mteto Nyati is stepping down from Blue Label’s board of directors. Microsoft is selling the shares at a loss. It bought them for

“Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, those who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules and they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify them, or vilify them. About the only

The original version of the article, entitled “BlackBerry to open BBM to rivals?” contained speculation that, on balance, now appears…