Author: Editor

The Sunday Times should not allow itself to be used by politicians and opposition parties, the Communication Workers Union (CWU) said on Wednesday. “[The CWU] in general is appalled by [the] Sunday Times newspaper editor and its investigative journalists in their tabloid reporting towards

Communications ministry spokesman Wisani Ngobeni has claimed that his house has been burgled because of his role in the department. The landlord at his home in Bloemfontein alerted him about the burglary earlier in the day, he said. “My landlord called and

Roads agency Sanral is using an award it received for its controversial e-tolling system to give the project legitimacy, the DA said on Wednesday. “For this … to be used as support for the building of toll roads, is just plain ludicrous,” Democratic Alliance MP Ian Ollis said in a statement

The department of communications has its house in order and is not dysfunctional, communications minister Dina Pule said on Tuesday. She told parliament’s communications portfolio committee this was happening despite her “difficult” relationship with director-general Rosey Sekese. Pule said

The controversial e-tolling system has won an international award for technology, the roads agency Sanral said on Tuesday. “Sanral has just been announced as a winner of an international award for the excellence of its work,” spokesman Vusi Mona said. It was awarded the 2013 Toll

Telkom is acting in bad faith by withdrawing a revised wage offer while unions are still considering it, trade union Solidarity said on Tuesday. Last week, Telkom presented a revised offer to unions after a wage dispute had been referred to the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation & Arbitration (CCMA), said Solidarity

Business confidence dropped by four index points in the second quarter of this year, Rand Merchant Bank (RMB) and the Bureau for Economic Research at Stellenbosch University reported on Tuesday. They said the index decreased to 48. “Although just a small

The SABC invested more than R700m in local content last year, according to a report. Communications minister Dina Pule released the figures on how much the SABC spent on local content in a written reply to a parliamentary question by Congress of the People MP Juli Killian. It showed that documentaries

The Press Ombudsman will investigate a complaint by the communications department against the Sunday Times, ombudsman Johan Retief said on Monday. “I have decided to take the complaint,” he said. The complaint would be investigated in terms of section 3.1 of the press code. This section

Motorists should get ready for e-tolling on Gauteng highways by obtaining e-tags, the roads agency Sanral said on Sunday. “With the introduction of e-tolling on some highways in Gauteng set to start in the near future, motorists should get their e-tags and register