Two years ago I participated in a “CIO Christmas wishlist” for a local industry publication. Re-reading that list, it is sobering to see just how many of those wishes still stand. Here’s my 2009 list. I’m not holding my breath, though my tongue remains firmly in my cheek

Talk Radio 702’s Aki Anastasiou is our special guest in our final podcast for 2009. In this episode — number 93 — Anastasiou joins Brett Haggard, Duncan McLeod and Simon Dingle to discuss Mark Shuttleworth, the Joojoo Internet tablet, Google’s Nexus One smartphone, and much more

DStv has launched a second high-definition channel, Discovery HD Showcase. The new channel, which is available to subscribers with an…

Ever since the first vi user met the first emacs user, the IT industry has been plagued with intense debates about very little. No fact or rational argument will convince either side they might be wrong. As the discussion depends on what the participants believe, these are often described as religious debates