Apple on Thursday launched its Apple Music service on the Web, opening up access to users to who prefer a browser instead of an app.
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The theory is that consumers with older smartphones are holding out for what are expected to be the first iPhones that support 5G, a new, faster wireless standard. Not so fast.
Apple is developing in-screen fingerprint technology for as early as its 2020 iPhones, according to people familiar with the plans.
Apple, one of the most cash-rich companies in the world, is still looking to get a piece of the ultra-cheap money that’s up for grabs in the bond market.
Back in the day, PCs were hip and investors chased computer stocks to sky-high valuations. Everyone was buying a desktop, and then a laptop, and the companies that supplied them could do no wrong.
Hackers have been using compromised websites to install “monitoring implants” in iPhones for years, according to researchers at Google. The malicious software gathers users’ images, contacts and other information.
Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak has said he believes the company should have split into different divisions years ago, as he called for greater competition among big technology firms.
Apple has confirmed the date for its next product launch event, where it is expected to unveil its newest iPhone handsets.
Despite growing competition, Garmin has boosted full-year guidance, with its fitness and outdoor trackers expected to grow a combined 23% this year.
Apple said it will no longer retain audio recordings of interactions with Siri by default following a company review into privacy protections around the virtual assistant.