Browsing: MTN

An argument over whether SA’s telecommunications regulator has jurisdiction to rule in a dispute between Telkom and Vodacom, MTN and Cell C over interconnection fees, could spell bad news for the traditionally fixed-line operator.

Enormous demand for shares in MTN’s Zakhele black economic empowerment deal has resulted in the offer being oversubscribed. The offer, which closed on 14 October, involves the sale of about R1,6bn worth of shares

The long-awaited regulations that will determine wholesale call termination rates in SA are ready and will be published next Friday. That’s the word from Icasa spokesman Jubie Matlou, who says he is not in a position to provide details of any planned

Mobile operators may be forced to stop subsidising handsets next year when the Consumer Protection Act (CPA) takes effect in March. The department of trade & industry has been working on the legislation for years and it’s expected to change fundamentally the way business is done in SA.

SA’s telecommunications industry has assembled on the battlefield with two players, one new, Telkom’s mobile business 8ta, and one reinvigorated, Cell C, getting ready to take on the giants of industry. Some smaller players are gathering on the flanks and others may yet make an entrance.

Cell C CEO Lars Reichelt has used a full-page advertisement in Sunday’s City Press newspaper to apologise for “confusion I may have caused” with the company’s controversial “4Gs” branding. At the same time, he has revealed that the operator will switch on

Dial-up still dominates as the fixed-line Internet access medium in SA, despite the fact that broadband digital subscriber lines have been available for nearly a decade. If a new research report from PwC (formerly PricewaterhouseCoopers) is to be believed,

State-owned Sentech is reviving plans to build a national broadband network. It wants a second chance and is promising to do things differently this time. However, as much as Sentech’s heart is in the right place, government must not allow it.

First came “082” and “083” for Vodacom and MTN, then “084” for Cell C when the third mobile operator launched a decade ago. Now a new number prefix, “081”, will be introduced this week, and it belongs to Telkom. Telkom’s new mobile arm, which will

Telkom on Monday called on the Competition Tribunal to quash two referrals by the Competition Commission and Internet Solutions (IS) that could see it fined up to R3,5bn for alleged anticompetitive behaviour. In October last year, the commission referred a case of anticompetitive behaviour