Standard Bank said on Thursday that system problems have caused some its customers to have card transactions deducted from their accounts more than once.
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The third time appeared to be the charm for Elon Musk’s Starship rocket – until it wasn’t.
Facebook cannot share any contact information it collects from WhatsApp users with its other properties without first obtaining authorisation from South Africa’s Information Regulator, the agency has said..
One of the last big hurdles in the way of the rapid commercial deployment of television white spaces Internet access technology in South Africa has fallen.
There are plans to launch a class-action lawsuit to compel Uber to confer several key rights on its drivers, which, if successful, will affect the rights of platform workers in the country.
Google and Facebook make a lot of noise about how their main services are free to use. And it’s true, they are. But what they don’t highlight is their role in making almost everything else we consume online more expensive.
WeThinkCode, the software developer training academy that opened in Johannesburg five years ago, is expanding geographically, with plans to open a campus in Durban.
Sea Ltd is one of those companies you either know, or you’ve never heard of. And investors the world over will be kicking themselves for missing the massive run-up in its stock.
A China-linked cyberespionage group has been remotely plundering e-mail inboxes using freshly discovered flaws in Microsoft mail server software, the company and outside researchers said on Tuesday.
India led the world last year in Internet shutdowns that affected hundreds of millions of people, as governments cracked down on political rivals and tried to suppress protests.