The Information Regulator is consulting lawyers about Facebook-owned WhatsApp’s new privacy policy and warned it is considering litigation.
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South Africa’s Small Business Development Agency has fallen victim to ransomware attackers, who have crippled its systems, according to a source with knowledge of the situation.
Having earlier said Tesla would accept bitcoin as payment, Elon Musk this week reversed that position, stating cryptocurrencies’ “promising future cannot come at a great cost to the environment”.
Bitcoin was pinned near its lowest in more than two months on Friday, while dogecoin leapt by a fifth as tweets from Tesla boss Elon Musk sent the two cryptocurrencies on a wild ride.
For now, Naspers and Prosus CEO Bob van Dijk has managed to figure out a short-term fix for his problem. Eventually he’ll need to think longer term. By Alex Webb.
Ultimately, investors may have to learn to live with the valuation gap between Naspers and Tencent. And management may have to ignore complaints about it and focus on growing Prosus’s investments.
The more Elon Musk blends payment U-turns, social media memes and stand-up comedy, the harder it will be to detect where the future of money ends and the “hustle” begins. Which might be the whole point.
Safaricom of Kenya is holding talks with about the use of mobile money service M-Pesa on the e-commerce giant’s platform.
Can you love bitcoin and the environment at the same time?
The Ombudsman for Banking Services’ annual report reveals that it opened 7 717 formal cases in 2020 – a new record. That’s a 19% increase on the prior year, despite the Covid-19 lockdown.