Author: Editor

Economic models show it is better and fairer for tariffs — not taxes — to pay for electricity, the National Energy Regulator of South Africa (Nersa) heard on Tuesday. If electricity was sold at the “right price”, it would be used more efficiently, so less would have to be invested in new generating capacity, Eskom

Smart, Internet-connected television sets will account for 85% of TV sales within the next few years, according to analyst firm Gartner, which predicts in a new research report that worldwide unit production of flat-panel smart TVs will grow from 69m in 2012 to 198m in 2016. Worldwide unit

There was a time when a sleepless weekend would flit by while I stayed in my pyjamas, eating Marmite on toast and building pyramids in the city construction computer game Pharoah. Now I have a job, a husband and a toddler, and the days of non-stop gaming are a thing of the past. One thing’s for sure

In the first episode of the ZA Tech Show of 2013, Brett Haggard leads Benedict Kelly and David Greenway in a discussion on the Consumer Electronics Show. More specifically, they dig their teeth into the most prominent announcements from the show

New research published on Wednesday shows that more than a billion mobile phone users will have made use of their devices for banking by the end of 2017, compared to fewer than 600m this year. Although the forecast of a billion users by 2017 represents more than 15% of the global mobile subscriber

The Opposition to Urban Tolling Alliance has filed its appeal against e-tolls in the Pretoria high court, the organisation said on Wednesday. Chairman Musa Strachan said the application for leave to appeal was filed in court on Tuesday. “Outa members firmly believe that the grounds and merits of this

The Opposition to Urban Tolling Alliance (Outa) will appeal against a court ruling that thwarted its bid to have e-tolls in Gauteng scrapped, it said on Monday evening. “We will be appealing the e-toll judgment,” chairman Wayne Duvenage said. On 13 December, the high court in Pretoria dismissed

It is the stuff of science-fiction – implants for the human body, matching a recipient’s dimensions exactly and printed from titanium powder, much like the way an inkjet printer reels off a document. This is the world that 3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, is making possible – and it is no

The results of pre-matric school assessments need to be addressed to ensure long-term improvements in education, Prof Francis Faller said on Thursday. “An increase in a pass rate is always to be welcomed,” said Faller, who is based at the Wits School of Education in Johannesburg. Matric results however

The Hidden Wiki. Situated deep in the Internet’s underbelly, it is where you can apparently find everything you would need to take over a country, or break away from an existing one to form your own: contract killers, mercenaries, guns to arm them with and “how-to” manuals that advise exactly the strategy required