Author: The Conversation

There are thousands of satellites in Earth orbit, of varying age and usefulness. At some point they all reach the end of their lives and become floating junk. What do we do with them then? Most satellites are not designed

Many millions of people throughout the world will illegally download the fifth season of Game of Thrones, which began screening around the world, including in South Africa, this month. Legally

There are some specific words that are not particularly popular with the European Commission: “hi-tech”, “anticompetitive” and “bundling”, to name a few. Throw “US firms” into the mix, and the

In a music buying industry now dominated by iTunes and music streaming services such as Spotify, Napster, Pandora and Jay-Z’s recently released Tidal, the CD and physical music store are reportedly in sharp (and potentially terminal) decline. But a curious development

Microsoft has announced its intention to hire more autistic people – not as a charitable enterprise but because, as corporate vice-president Mary Ellen Smith says: “People with autism bring strengths that we need at Microsoft.” Employing autistic people makes good business

Within hours of the pre-order launch, not only had the cheapest Apple Watch Sport at US$349 sold out, but so had the Apple Watch Edition with a rose gold case and retailing at $17 000. And all of this for a watch that reviewers have given decidedly mixed reviews

The Internet of things has attracted a lot of attention and generated considerable column inches; and yet, despite all the attention, has remained pretty much absent – an Internet of vapourware. Samsung wants to Internet-connect all the items in your home and major firms

Love it or hate it, Internet Explorer (IE) has been Microsoft’s window on the Web for almost 20 years. In the rapidly evolving online world, this is a ripe old age – and now Microsoft has decided it is time for IE to hand over the baton. Starting with Windows 10, due for release

If you watch the upcoming season 5 finale of The Walking Dead, the story will likely evoke events from previous episodes, while making references to an array of minor and major characters. Such storytelling devices belie the show’s simplistic scenario of zombie survival