Browsing: Cell C

Cell C CEO Jose Dos Santos on Wednesday vowed to fight Vodacom’s proposed R7bn acquisition of Neotel and to do its best to torpedo the deal in the legal system. “We will keep them in court

Cell C has begun a restructuring drive that could lead to the retrenchment of 47 employees, the mobile operator confirmed on Thursday. This followed a statement issued by trade union Solidarity

Mobile network Cell C plans to stop selling Red Bull Mobile products on 31 May 2015. Red Bull Mobile was launched in South Africa in 2011 in partnership with Cell C. The partnership, which leveraged

South Africa’s newest mobile virtual network operator (MVNO), me&you mobile, has gone live, launching services through its website. The company’s head, Brett Howell, said in an e-mail that it’s had

South Africa has not been particularly keen on the mobile virtual network operator model. It’s lagged most developed and some developing markets in launching mobile brands on the back of cellular

In early May, Durban-based Ignition Group will launch South Africa’s newest mobile virtual network operator. The new company, receiving support services from sister company MVN-X – the business that

A new mobile virtual network operator is set to make its debut in South Africa in early May. Me&you mobile will be launched on 4 May by Durban-based Ignition Group. Piggybacking on Cell C’s infrastructure

They make millions every year. But Telkom CEO Sipho Maseko and Vodacom CEO Shameel Joosub have agreed to spend a winter’s night on the cold streets of Johannesburg – and will even stump up a large amount

Broadband Infraco on Tuesday reportedly told parliament that it has sufficient capital to continue operating until the end of August only. The admission has cast further doubt on the state-owned

Mobile data usage and traffic volume growth in South Africa’s townships is running well ahead of the average growth rate countrywide, Vodacom said on Wednesday. It’s a trend that’s been noted by