Browsing: Cell C

Just two months after Mr Price announced that it would be South Africa’s second mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) after Virgin Mobile, another company has announced plans to venture into the MVNO space. Cape Town-based Smart Mobile, which specialises in providing cellular services and handsets

Cellphone network provider Cell C will launch an urgent court action on Monday to have a banner set up in Johannesburg by a disgruntled customer removed, a spokesman said. The application would be launched in the high court in Johannesburg against the WorldWear Mall

A senior executive at Vodacom believes so-called over-the-top (OTT) service providers such as WhatsApp and Skype should be allowed to “run free” on mobile operators’ networks, but emphasises that there is also “no place” in South Africa

China’s ZTE intends expanding its market share in smartphones in South Africa through an aggressive marketing campaign aimed at growing consumer awareness of its brand, its newly appointed chairman, Han Xun Jian, says. The company

Campaigners will march across South Africa this weekend to demand cheaper and broader access to communications, with march organisers saying government has “handed the democratising power of telecommunications to

Broadband Infraco, the state-owned company created by the department of public enterprises in the mid-2000s to challenge Telkom’s then absolute monopoly in national telecommunications infrastructure, has reported a loss of R143m for the year to March 2014. This is a slight

PricewaterhouseCoopers forecasts that 72% of South Africans will access the Internet through their cellphone by 2018. Will Cell C still be competing in this market and will these new mobile data consumers be getting bang for

Telkom wants preferential access to spectrum in the digital dividend bands currently occupied by television broadcasters because historically it has not had access to sub-1GHz spectrum, while its mobile rivals have. The operator should get access to

Cell C CEO Jose Dos Santos said on Tuesday that the mobile operator is likely to challenge communications regulator Icasa’s final call termination rates, published on Monday, though it has not disclosed on what legal basis