Google Maps will change the name of the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America for US users of the platform.
Browsing: Google Maps
Google Maps now integrates Waze incident reports. This and more in today’s Bookmarks.
Google has announced a set of features that incorporate Gemini into its suite of mapping applications.
Google is changing its Maps tool so that the company no longer has access to users’ individual location histories.
Google is cutting jobs at mapping app Waze as it merges the app’s advertising system with Google Ads.
Eskom’s head office, Megawatt Park, has been renamed “Eskom MegaGravy Train Park” on Google Maps.
The new features include ways for people to search for nearby items using images and identify physical objects with their smartphone cameras.
Google is releasing new data about how the coronavirus pandemic has cut down on foot traffic to transit centres, retail stores and public parks, including those in South Africa.
Google’s Maps app will now warn South African drivers about speed limits and both permanent and mobile speed traps.
Google became the world’s most profitable Internet company on the back of search advertising. Now, it’s turning another popular Web service into a major cash machine.