Browsing: Huawei

With hype building once again ahead of the launch of the next iPhone, it’s sometimes easy to forget that the world doesn’t revolve around the fruity company in California. The new iPhone — or whatever it’s eventually called — is guaranteed saturation coverage in the next few weeks leading up to a rumoured 12 September

It’s hard to think that just 15 years ago, Apple was staring bankruptcy in the face. What followed, under the leadership of Steve Jobs, has become one of the most celebrated turnaround stories in modern business. At more than US$550bn, Apple today is the biggest listed company on the planet by market value

Fledgling fibre-to-the-home infrastructure provider LinkAfrica Group, formerly known as i3 Africa, is finally ready to begin its trial network in Umhlanga, north of Durban, and is also gearing up to begin rolling out fibre in Pretoria and Cape Town. In March 2011, TechCentral

Fixed-line telecommunications operator Telkom was on Wednesday granted leave to appeal by the high court in Pretoria in a case brought against it by ZTE Mzanzi. A court interdict preventing it from continuing with work on a multibillion-rand project to modernise its access network into homes and businesses

Though Huawei isn’t a newcomer to SA, it’s only really begun to get traction in smartphones this year. It’s best known for its budget handsets but the Chinese company is also looking to tackle the top-end of the market. One of its first attempts is the U8860 “Honor”, a smartphone with a feature-phone price tag

ZTE Mzanzi has accused its partner, China’s ZTE, of “throwing it under a bus” when it terminated agreements with the local, black-controlled company. It’s also accused it of colluding with competitor Huawei. TechCentral broke the news on Thursday

Relations between Chinese telecommunications equipment manufacturer ZTE and local partner ZTE Mzanzi appear to have broken down irretrievably. TechCentral has established that ZTE has cancelled its partnership agreement with Mzanzi, in which it has a 40% stake, prompting the latter to file a court papers

The global tablet market is still dominated by Apple’s iPad, but there are two gaps that Huawei, and other manufacturers such as and Samsung, are looking to fill: the sub-10-inch tablet and budget markets. With the MediaPad, Huawei hopes to address

Chinese networking equipment manufacturer ZTE is taking ZTE Mzanzi, an SA company in which it has a minority equity stake, to the high court in Pretoria in an effort to have an interdict the latter company won against Telkom overturned. ZTE Mzanzi, led by Tumi Magasa, won the interim court interdict at the end of March, preventing

Telkom has embarked on a multibillion-rand refresh of its access network into homes and businesses. Investors will probably decry the cost of taking fibre-optic infrastructure closer to and even into homes, but group CEO Nombulelo Moholi is at least leading the fixed-line operator in the right direction