Browsing: Microsoft

Televisions have been getting bigger, thinner, lighter and cheaper, offering consumers a high-definition and increasingly cinematic experience at home. But they have remained largely passive devices for consuming content. That may be about to

Vox Telecom has supplied video conferencing solutions for a number of years, but is now creating a dedicated division, called Vox Pureview, for the purpose. It intends offering video conferencing solutions, including support for mobile devices, including

Microsoft’s share price is in the doldrums. For 10 years, the stock of the world’s largest software maker has languished while those of rivals like Apple have soared. But the company remains a cash and dividend machine and the product pipeline has

Startup Weekend, a popular US event that gets entrepreneurs, developers, designers and marketers together to discuss and generate ideas for start-ups, is coming to SA, with two weekends planned for later this month. Started in the Boulder, Colorado

It’s unusual for consumers to know the name of the CEO of the company whose products they buy. Few people can name the CEO of Toyota, or LG. But how many of us know who runs Apple? Most ordinary folks have no trouble naming him

Oh, how the mighty have fallen. For months the tech press has swirled with persistent rumours that News Corp is selling MySpace. On Tuesday it emerged that serious bids for the ailing social network are now as low as US$30m

Microsoft is playing up the successful prosecution and sentencing of a businessman who sold pirated software to consumers in Johannesburg and Port Elizabeth. The “bust”, as the software maker is describing it, took three years to conclude. “Microsoft sees this as

Few things incite as much passion among technophiles as their choice of smartphone. In the 1990s, phones were merely functional or fashionable. Now they have been elevated to a quasi-religious status. So the news that Android is “crushing”

The keynote address by Apple CEO Steve Jobs at this week’s Worldwide Developers Conference in San Francisco was distinctly underwhelming. Is the world’s most valuable technology company running short of groundbreaking new ideas?

It’s one of the most important pieces of technology in the modern world, a secure gateway to all the wonders and conveniences of the Internet. It’s a tool used every day by billions of people for everything from banking to learning to