Browsing: Siphiwe Nyanda

The department of communications has called a colloquium this week to seek public input on national broadband policy. Previously, it would have been little more than a talk shop. But something constructive may flow out of this meeting. Communications minister Siphiwe Nyanda has breathed fresh life into a ministry left moribund by his predecessor, the late Ivy Matsepe- Casaburri

Communications minister Siphiwe Nyanda announced a token cut in peak-time interconnection rates between mobile operators, to take effect in February and March next year. The cut was half as big as the reduction the regulator had earlier contemplated, and off-peak rates weren’t cut at all

As a regulator, there is need to pause and take stock, determining to what extent the socioeconomic policy objectives have been advanced. In this regard one has to take into cognisance the regulatory toolkit, which includes the licensing process, ensuring competition, enforcing universal service obligations and facilitating the equitable and meritocratic allocation of scarce frequency resources