The communications regulator on Wednesday welcomed the supreme court of appeal’s decision not to grant Telkom leave to appeal in its legal battle with Vodacom over the use of access to its ducts.
Browsing: Telkom
MTN is tops among South African customers, while Rain is stone last – and by some distance – according to new research gauging the sentiment of consumers towards local telecommunications operators.
The supreme court of appeal has refused to entertain an application from Telkom seeking leave to appeal a high court judgment that handed victory to rival Vodacom over the use of Telkom’s ducts used to carry broadband cables.
Broadcasters, working with the ministry of communications & digital technologies, have begun switching off analogue terrestrial television transmitters in the Free State.
Communications regulator Icasa will pursue a legal appeal against a high court judgment that slammed the brakes on the spectrum auction. But has also said it is open to an out-of-court agreement.
High court Judge Selby Baqwa halted the radio frequency spectrum auction planned this month by communications regulator Icasa because he deemed the process unlawful and irrational.
Wholesale revenue at MTN South Africa declined by 16.4% in the 2020 financial year after the discontinuation of the company’s roaming supply agreement with Telkom.
Communications regulator Icasa on Tuesday confirmed that Monday’s court judgment in favour of Telkom means the spectrum auction cannot proceed later this month. The agency is now preparing for a legal battle.
A day after the high court handed Telkom an interdict, halting Icasa from licensing new broadband spectrum at the end of March, Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams has raised mediation as a possible solution to the impasse.
Telkom and have secured an interdict against Icasa, preventing the spectrum auction planned for later this month from taking place until the merits of their case can be heard by the high court.