Responsibility for managing a business’s governance, risk and compliance doesn’t just rest with the chief compliance or risk officer (or equivalent). The entire organisation needs to adopt a compliance mindset, including ensuring the technology solutions you use assist you in remaining compliant with legislation and regulations.
While your telephony solution doesn’t necessarily spring to mind when considering governance, risk and compliance, it’s an integral part of these efforts. Here’s how it can help:
- Complaint call recording: Telephone records are important for any number of reasons, including as evidence in court. You need to be able to prove they are unaltered, however, for them to be admissible. This is where compliant call recording comes in. To be compliant, a recording needs to be encrypted at rest and you need to be able to prove it hasn’t been altered. On Euphoria’s platform, when a call is recorded it is encrypted and stamped at the time of creation, which enables you to prove it has not been tampered with or altered since its creation. Encrypted at rest means that it is encrypted wherever it is stored. While it’s not required from a compliance point of view, Euphoria’s system also encrypts recordings while they are in transit.
- Security and access control: Now more than ever, it’s important for businesses to be able to manage who in their environments has access to what information. Security and access control prevents unauthorised parties from accessing your telephony solution for illegal purposes. Feature access and data control are the permissions that govern whether a user may utilise a feature or certain data when using a platform. Granular permissions giving administrators control over what pages and features users can access, manage and delegate, as well as what data they may access, is a cornerstone of the Euphoria platform. This helps businesses manage data use to simplify their compliance activities.
- Quality assurance: The Euphoria Scoring module can be used to provide quality assurance (QA) functionality to improve compliance. Using Scoring, managers can train call centre and other teams and test them on their performance, including whether they understand all of the legal and compliance aspects of the products and services they’re handling. You can also rate an agent’s performance on live calls, ensuring that they meet compliance requirements like the obligation to inform people that calls are being recorded. Your teams can evaluate and score each other in a peer review process, giving you clear metrics to help you evaluate your teams and identify areas for improvement.
About Euphoria Telecom
Euphoria Telecom is a leading provider of an innovative, cloud-based, cost effective, business telephone service that offers unprecedented control and automated operational efficiency. The solution offers any business a truly simple approach to managing communications across an increasingly decentralised and mobile workforce. Seamless integration and automation make it simple for businesses to access insights, reports and efficacy of communications.
The company has earned a reputation as a customer-centric business, decreasing customer telephony costs by up to 50% and maintaining excellent customer service. Established in 2010, the company now proudly hosts over 4 000 business customers in South Africa and continues to grow rapidly. The company was founded by George Golding, Conrad de Wet and Rafal Janik, and is managed by John Woollam and Nic Laschinger.
- Nic Laschinger is chief technology officer at Euphoria Telecom
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