Author: Craig Wilson

It’s no secret that despite having the longest-standing mobile networks on the continent, SA still has some of the highest mobile call rates in Africa. This week, Cell C went some way to correcting that when it announced it was cutting prepaid rates, and hinted

Apple is set to release a major update to its cloud service, iCloud, that will include new features for sharing images and may be positioned to compete with Instagram, the social photography service that was recently acquired by Facebook for US$1bn in cash

Would you like some insurance with your broadband bundle? Six months after TechCentral revealed in December 2011 that the company intended to get into the insurance game, Vodacom has finally provided a few details about its plans after it was awarded

Facebook knows one of the biggest challenges it faces is monetising its mobile platforms and so it’s gradually overhauling them to do just that. When it originally filed its S-1 documents ahead of its listing on the stock market, Facebook conceded that its inability

The Asha 303 is the flagship handset in Nokia’s feature-phone range and, considering its diminutive price and attractive design, it’s likely to do rather well with its target markets: the youth and those in emerging markets who want functionality without an enormous

The West African Cable System (Wacs), the highest-capacity undersea telecommunications cable to land in SA to date, will eventually offer countries along its route, including SA, up to 5,1Tbit/s of capacity into Europe. With 14 entities involved in

Ericsson SA-led company BWired has spent the past two years building a metropolitan fibre-optic network to connect Johannesburg’s municipal buildings. There’s a year of the project left, but after that it can begin offering commercial services, and these

State-controlled Broadband Infraco is set to replace its Siemens-built legacy infrastructure over the next five years and has just closed the tender process for the project. The fibre operator and wholesaler says a decision on the winning bidder for the multibillion-rand project should be decided within the next 60

Telkom has begun a multibillion-rand network upgrade to improve the performance of broadband infrastructure and even to support fibre to the home eventually, but with fears uptake might be slow, could streaming video services provide the impetus to drive demand? Gabrielle Gauthey, executive vice-president of public affairs

The West African Cable System (Wacs), the latest submarine cable to land on African shores, has arrived, offering SA operators 500Gbit/s of capacity at launch. The system, which has a design capacity of 5,1Tbit/s, makes use of both 10Gbit/s and 40Gbit/s technology on different segments and will