After finessing regulators and stroking egos to get this deal done, Microsoft will rightfully expect a big discount if it buys TikTok. The size of that discount will prove CEO Satya Nadella’s worth.
Browsing: In-depth
As Covid-19 has frozen the international travel on which they once thrived, double-decker, four-engine planes like the Airbus A380 and Boeing 747 are more likely to be found in storage than soaring through the skies.
Chief executives from four of the biggest US technology companies will face a moment of reckoning on Wednesday in an extraordinary joint appearance before lawmakers.
Internet shutdowns have impeded the right to development and posed threats to democratic development in Africa.
After decades behind the scenes, TSMC is taking an ever-bigger share of the spotlight as one of the most famous and powerful technology companies in the world.
Zhang Yiming is the little-known Chinese entrepreneur who built TikTok into one of the most promising franchises on the Internet. Now the brainy, combative founder is under pressure to save the business.
Tesla’s rapid rise to become the world’s most valuable car maker could mark the start of a new era for the global auto industry, defined by a Silicon Valley approach to software.
How can introverts adapt to a Zoom world without harming their career prospects or having to morph into a completely different personality? Here are four ideas for employees and managers.
Whatever Netflix’s second quarter results show, it’s clear that the Covid-19 crisis is fortifying the company’s lead in streaming TV entertainment.
China is building tens of thousands of 5G base stations every week. This will allow it to maintain – and advance – its position as the factory floor of the world.