Vodacom said on Thursday it is working with device manufacturers to introduce enhanced voice services – known as super high-definition voice or HD Voice+, on its network in South Africa.
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South Africa’s Echo Service Provider has reached a deal to merge with the Internet service provider operations of Gondwana International Networks in markets across Africa.
The Internet Service Providers’ Association has urged the Competition Commission to force South Africa’s mobile network operators to open their networks on a wholesale basis to ISPs.
The Competition Commission should force the mobile operators to split themselves into separate wholesale and retail businesses, the Right2Know Campaign said on Wednesday.
Mobile operators have begun distinguishing between different kinds of traffic and providing differentiated data bundles for streaming and social media services.
Telkom is in talks with Zimbabwe’s state-owned mobile telecommunications operator, NetOne, as the government weighs the privatisation of the business, Bloomberg reported.
Government will move with haste to ensure that spectrum suitable for building 5G wireless broadband networks is released to operators and has vowed to avoid repeating the delays in licensing spectrum for 4G.
Helios Towers wants to enter South Africa within the next year, helping the mobile phone tower operator build scale as it prepares for a stock market listing as early as 2019.
Nigeria’s central bank governor will meet with MTN Group and four banks to negotiate a dispute over $8.1-billion the bank says was transferred illegally out of the country, sources said.
The end of MTN’s free Twitter promotion may have led to a huge reduction in the volume of tweets by the users of that service, but it doesn’t seem to have had a significant effect on the volume of activity on the social network in South Africa.