Browsing: Cell C

French telecommunications group Orange is playing down the impact on it of the expected imminent closure of Nashua Mobile, in whose stores it was building a brand presence. Nashua Mobile parent Reunert said on Monday it had entered into agreements to sell its subscriber base to MTN and Vodacom, and that it was engaged

Bewilderment. That’s the word that best described the look on the faces of mobile communications industry executives crammed into a courtroom on the 11th floor of the high court in downtown Johannesburg on Monday afternoon as they listened to judge Haseena Mayat hand down her decision in a key industry battle

The high court in Johannesburg on Monday found that communications regulator Icasa’s 2014 call termination regulations were “invalid and unlawful” but said the cuts to termination rates will take effect as planned on 1 April for a period of six months. Judge Haseena Mayat granted a final order in favour of MTN and Vodacom, but used her

Communications regulator Icasa’s 2014 call termination rates are “invalid and unlawful” but the cuts to the rates will take effect as planned on 1 April for a period of six months, high court judge Haseena Mayat ruled on Monday. Mayat said she was exercising her

Recent events are evidence of unprecedented pressure on mobile network operators to lower their prices. Yet a sober analysis reveals that the networks are really their own worst enemies, and can turn their fortunes around by simply lowering prices. The latest proposed cuts in the mobile termination (interconnection) rates are the most

Communication minister Yunus Carrim on Thursday welcomed a Special Investigating Unit (SIU) probe on the Universal Service & Access Agency of South Africa (Usaasa). “We welcome the SIU proclamation on Usaasa. Obviously it is regrettable, but the proclamation is absolutely necessary in view of the persistent allegations against Usaasa

A lack of regulation in the mobile network market would likely harm consumers, the high court in Johannesburg heard on Wednesday. Kate Hoffmeyer, for Cell C, argued that if MTN and Vodacom were granted interim relief through the court suspending Icasa’s 2014 regulations, this would result in the market being

Cellphone network operators MTN and Vodacom took their fight against the introduction of new call termination rates to the high court in Johannesburg on Tuesday. The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (Icasa) has conceded there are problems with its proposed model for mobile termination rates. These are the

Text messaging may be dying out as a means of communication in many parts of the advanced world, but it may yet prove to be a vital life-saver in flood-prone African villages. An early-warning system that aims to capitalise on the explosive growth of mobile phone

On the eve of an historic court battle between Icasa and mobile operators MTN and Vodacom, the communications regulator has revealed in papers filed at the high court in Johannesburg that it intends reconsidering its proposed cuts to call termination rates. In an answering affidavit submitted to the high court, Icasa says it has