Promoted | If a business maps the organisation’s individual performance, skills and output, it will find that a high percentage of its employees do not fit the requirements mandated for their roles.
Browsing: Company News
Read the latest news on TechCentral from leading local and international companies. Articles published in the Company News section are sponsored.
“Sorry” is proffered innumerable times a day in call centres all over the planet. Somewhere, right now, an agent on the front lines is plying a “sorry” to apologise for an issue. But is it worth the effort to even say?
Promoted | Unemployment is one of South Africa’s major challenges. By providing developers with resources and a platform on which to innovate, Huawei’s Developer Programme can help.
Promoted | Specialist end-to-end infrastructure business Dartcom has signed an agreement with international solar technology giant LONGi Solar for the distribution of its solar panels in South Africa.
Promoted | With South Africans spending more of their time on the Internet to carry out a wide variety of activities, not to mention working from home, they need to give more consideration to their home Wi-Fi networks.
Promoted | The booming crypto money market, driven by the DeFi “summer of 2020”, means decentralised exchanges can now offer high-interest-earning deposit accounts of up to 20% annualised return.
Promoted | How can you achieve IoT connectivity with managed Sims? Learn the differences between managed APN, prepaid and global roaming.
Promoted | TechCentral is South Africa’s biggest business-to-business technology news publication and is the best way for companies to reach leading IT decision makers.
The rapid deployment policy on offer from the government has the potential to transform South Africa and the industry, says Dark Fibre Africa executive Vino Govender.
Promoted | Read the recent report published by Gartner that highlights the eight most critical trends that security and risk management leaders need to leverage, compliments of Skybox Security.