Browsing: Opinion

There is and always has been an inherent tension between an individual’s right to data privacy and wider security concerns. This is unlikely to change, although the priority may shift depending on the geopolitical or security context. The important thing

Bitcoin relies on the participation of people and organisations to act as the “bankers” of the system. Called bitcoin miners, they effectively record each transaction on a ledger called the blockchain and in return, they are awarded with bitcoins. The process of mining

Apple is looking really silly at the moment, right? After months of refusing to help the FBI unlock the iPhone of a suspected criminal, and calling those requests “a slippery slope” and “unconstitutional”, all it took was a week with some Israeli hackers-for-hire

Global standards bodies are the crucible in which our networking future is forged. It is the well from which our connectivity springs. It may look like a crowd of middle-aged bearded and bespectacled men warming the seats of hotel conference rooms, but

The FBI has succeeded in hacking into an iPhone that belonged to San Bernardino shooter Syed Farook without Apple’s help. As a consequence, the bureau has dropped its legal case in which it was trying to force Apple to do what has now been done

South Africa’s telecommunications industry is on the cusp of its next wave of growth, thanks to the growing uptake by businesses and consumers of bandwidth-intensive applications such as cloud services and Internet streaming. Fast-changing user behaviour

While there’s been an outsize (and bizarre) outcry about First National Bank’s decision to close somewhere between 25 and 40 branches in a round of “optimisation”, the country’s big four retail banks have been steadily cutting the number of branches for years

When last did you visit a bank branch? A few months back? Longer? If it was not for that infernal requirement to have stamped bank statements every time you try and do something/anything, you

Indications that national treasury is in discussion with JSE-listed Telkom and the department of telecommunications & postal services to formalise a “partnership” to manage the roll-out of South

On Saturday, something truly remarkable happened. An artificial intelligence program beat the (human) world champion at Go, an ancient Japanese board game. Google’s AlphaGo bot won its third match in the five match series against Korea’s Lee Sedol