Cell C is continuing to expand it national third-generation (3G) mobile network, announcing on Tuesday that it has launched high-speed Internet services in Mpumalanga capital Nelspruit. The operator, which is the first to deploy a wide-scale broadband

Communications minister Siphiwe Nyanda says a task team appointed by him in July 2009 had identified “anomalies” and an “illegal operational model” at state-owned Sentech. Though he doesn’t state it explicity, Nyanda is clearly referring to Sentech’s controversial 2007 spectrum deal with Global Web Intact (GWI).

MWeb Business says it is taking action to rectify a breach in security on Monday that resulted in more than 2 000 customer usernames and passwords being published on the Web. The company says fewer than 1 000 customers were compromised, and only briefly, when

Microsoft is waiting for the department of trade & industry to give it the go-ahead for its empowerment plan where it wants to invest nearly R500m in several local black-owned software development companies.

In between another crazy news week and TechCentral deputy editor Candice Jones winging her way off to the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland, we’ve managed to squeeze in another episode of TalkCentral, TechCentral’s weekly business technology podcast.

We decided to do things differently this week and record at our usual time. In this episode Simon Dingle is joined by Tribeca’s Nic Callegari and Steven Ambrose from World Wide Worx. They discuss Telkom’s 8ta, Nokia’s N8, Microsoft’s TechEd, Windows Phone 7, Apple Mac OS X Lion, the new MacBook Air, gaming trends, and much more

The team this week includes Duncan Mcleod, Jon Tullett and Simon Dingle who gathered a day earlier than usual to record. They discuss Telkom Mobile and the launch of 8ta, Windows Phone 7, Xbox Live, Kindle, Stuxnet, Google TV, Sentech’s broadband plans, and much more

Vodacom has fired a shot across the bow of new mobile entrant, Telkom’s 8ta, in what could be the beginning of what one analyst calls “price skirmishes” between the operators. A full-blown price war looks less likely, analysts say. Vodacom at the weekend announced a R1,40/minute all-day tariff

The accounts of thousands of MWeb broadband customers appear to have been compromised, with their logon and password details apparently published on the Internet by hackers. As many as 2 390 users of MWeb’s business digital subscriber lines have been affected.

Sentech’s contract that allowed Screamer Telecoms, a wireless Internet access provider, to use the state-owned company’s spectrum to provide WiMax services would not have been unlawful under new draft regulations proposed by the telecommunications regulator.