BMW will offer a fully electric 5-series as part of sweeping product overhaul unveiled on Monday as the German car maker seeks to lower vehicle emissions during production and on the road.
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Internet shutdowns have impeded the right to development and posed threats to democratic development in Africa.
The biggest US technology companies have gone on a buying spree this year, waving off intense scrutiny from competition watchdogs and critics who say they’ve bolstered their power by snatching up nascent rivals.
After decades behind the scenes, TSMC is taking an ever-bigger share of the spotlight as one of the most famous and powerful technology companies in the world.
After several weeks of trading in narrow ranges, bitcoin breached $10 000 on Sunday for the first time since early June.
Intel’s decision to consider outsourcing manufacturing heralds the end of an era in which the company, and the US, dominated the semiconductor industry.
Eskom’s gross debt surged to R480-billion after the struggling state-owned power utility borrowed from its lines of credit, documents show.
Shares of Intel slumped and its rivals surged on Friday after the US chip maker signalled it may give up manufacturing its own components after falling far behind schedule developing its newest technology.
A man who ripped off equipment from mobile phone base stations in the Western Cape has been sentenced to 500 years in prison, though he will spend no more than 13 years behind bars in practice.
Woolworths saw online food sales for its South Africa business leap 87.8% in the 52 weeks to 28 June as consumers turned the Internet and shunned stores amid the Covid-19 pandemic.