Browsing: World

Just how much does your smartphone’s camera matter to you? With its latest flagship Android line, dubbed HTC One, Taiwanese phone manufacturer HTC is hoping that a killer camera is just enough to sway you over to its phones. Those killer features include the ability to take video and photos without switching modes

Foreigners visiting America are taken aback by how lax locals are when using credit or debit cards to make purchases. Allowing a sales clerk to swipe a card at a check-out — instead of doing it personally on a shielded terminal while keying in a PIN number — is the first surprise. Handing over a credit card to a

Apple may be getting ready to ditch the current dock connector used in iPods, iPhones, and iPads in favor of a smaller version, meaning you’ll possibly have to keep up with yet another adapter to use all the latest accessories for iOS devices. Annoyances aside, Apple could have a very practical reason

Facebook is set for a record-shattering initial public offering and, according to a new report, it will bring in more than US$5bn in advertising revenue this year. But Facebook’s financial future may not be as bright as the eye-popping figure would at first suggest. 2011 was a banner year for Facebook in terms of advertising revenue

For years, Google and Facebook have been waging trench warfare for big-brand advertising budgets. Billions of dollars are up for grabs, and since this money constitutes the bulk of revenue for both companies, the stakes are high. Twitter, which last week launched a self-service ad platform, is a relative

In his international bestseller The Hare With Amber Eyes, Edmund de Waal traces the fortune of a collection of carved Japanese netsuke figurines. Readers grew so entranced by the story of these objects that they started clamouring to see them. So after the hardback, the e-book, and the paperback came the

Microsoft’s long-anticipated Office software suite for the Apple iPad will likely launch in the next few weeks, according to a report by The Daily. However, Microsoft has denied the story. The iPad has become a surprisingly hot device for the enterprise since its launch in April 2010. Though businesses

Microsoft has gone after Google before in advertisements attacking its search and Gmail products, but now the software maker has launched a new off-kilter advertisement showing off Google Apps’ biggest weaknesses. The video, titled “Googlighting”, portrays the Google Apps productivity

After several leaks, Microsoft has confirmed that its SkyDrive cloud storage solution is about to receive a major update with desktop syncing, a SkyDrive Metro app for Windows 8, secure remote access and other helpful additions. There has been much movement in the

In the film Superman 3, a lowly computer programmer (played by Richard Pryor) embezzles a fat wad of money from his employer. The boss laments that it will be hard to catch the thief, because “he won’t do a thing to call attention to himself. Unless, of course, he is a complete and utter moron.” Just then the thief