The National Planning Commission’s long-awaited National Development Plan for 2030, handed to President Jacob Zuma on Friday, has come out strongly in favour of market competition in the telecommunications industry, advocating spectrum trading and raising the

The GSM Association, an influential industry body that represents most of the world’s mobile operators, has warned that centralising spectrum decisions in SA’s ministry of communications could result in spectrum being allocated to companies or government agencies that

Call of Duty (CoD) games are like underground trains in London. If you miss one, you can be sure the next will be along in five minutes. Publisher Activision has released a CoD game each year since 2005, with each new entry in the franchise quickly demolishing

Microsoft SA has added two more small, black-owned software development firms to its “equity equivalence” support programme, bringing the total to six. The software maker says the two new companies, both based in Johannesburg, will join its R475m equivalence programme

Nokia’s BH-905i headphones have a lot going for them. They use Bluetooth wireless technology but include a wire for use with non-Bluetooth devices and a converter for almost every audio connection imaginable. And they come in their own travel

In June this year, James McCarthy, a British expatriate living in China, was turned away at Seattle airport for not having sufficient funds to enter the US. This seemed odd considering he had arrived in the country to start a currency business. According to The Economist

Telkom’s share price fell to new multi-year lows on Thursday of below R30/share after it warned the market of poor financial performance in the six-month period ended 30 September 2011 and after it said it would take a further R1bn profit hit related to its

Business is wasting time and money by trying to reach people on social networks sites without a targeted strategy, a global research survey has found. “Three out of five SA Internet users don’t want to be bothered by brands on social networks,” TNS said in a statement

The slow pace at which African countries, including SA, are moving to digital terrestrial television could have serious economic implications in the next few years. It could cost the continent significant economic growth. That’s the view of Peter Lyons, director

Something momentous happened on Wednesday — something most people will never even hear about. Adobe, a software firm, announced that it is ceasing development on the mobile version of its Flash platform. That probably doesn’t sound very momentous