A triumvirate of Craig Wilson, Stafford Masie and Simon Dingle form your panel in this week’s high-quality episode of the ZA Tech Show podcast. Aside from a side discussion involving steroid sport leagues, we manage to discuss several several technology topics

Technology group Gijima has shown a strong turnaround in its performance in the six months to December 2011. It’s profit line is back in the black after it was forced to write-off a significant sum in the prior period to a dispute with the department of home affairs

After several leaks, Microsoft has confirmed that its SkyDrive cloud storage solution is about to receive a major update with desktop syncing, a SkyDrive Metro app for Windows 8, secure remote access and other helpful additions. There has been much movement in the

The Independent Communications Authority of SA (Icasa) wants to license new pay-TV operators to compete with incumbent MultiChoice, which owns DStv, and recent entrant On Digital Media, with TopTV, despite little interest in launching commercial services

In the film Superman 3, a lowly computer programmer (played by Richard Pryor) embezzles a fat wad of money from his employer. The boss laments that it will be hard to catch the thief, because “he won’t do a thing to call attention to himself. Unless, of course, he is a complete and utter moron.” Just then the thief

Go ahead, but we’re watching you. That, in effect, is what competition authorities in America and the European Union told Google on 13 February. Last August, the search engine giant agreed to buy Motorola Mobility, a maker of mobile phones with 17 000 issued patents and 6 800 pending, for $12,5bn. Neither

Weeks after independent fibre operator Metrofibre Networx completed the roll-out of high-speed fibre-optic access infrastructure to Rivonia in Johannesburg, the company has announced it has extended the network to Linbro Business Park, a giant office park complex east of Sandton. Metrofibre Networx

Johannesburg-based radio station Kaya FM has overhauled its outside broadcasting facilities and moved from physical mixing desks and other large and cumbersome interfaces to virtual ones that run on tablet computers. Its new system runs on Mecer Xpress Windows-based slates from Mustek

The Microsoft team has created a new logo for its upcoming Windows 8 operating system, and the results aren’t pretty. You might say this is Microsoft’s “Gap moment”, that uncomfortable situation in which a company chooses a new logo that takes away from its history and chooses blandness over anything striking

Intel is announcing several advances in chip technology today that show it is keeping up with the demanding pace of Moore’s Law, which predicts a doubling of semiconductor performance every two years. Formulated in 1965 by Intel chairman emeritus Gordon Moore, Moore’s Law isn’t guaranteed. But today’s announcements show that