Apple announced it has sold 11,8m iPads since the company debuted the tablet in early March. The number reflects a 151% increase over iPad sales during the same quarter a year ago. The company released its third version of the iPad this quarter, starring the new “Retina” display (2048-by-1536 resolution), which quadruples the amount of pixels packed
Browsing: Apple
Research in Motion (RIM), the company behind the ailing BlackBerry platform, has hired a law firm to help it with a company-wide restructuring plan aimed at making the company profitable again. The plan could include selling off resources, seeking joint ventures, or licensing its patents. After losing a significant portion of
Apple’s SA distributor, Core Group, has published the recommended retail prices for the third-generation iPad, which goes on sale in SA on Friday, 27 April. They start at R4 999 for the iPad with Wi-Fi only and 16GB of storage and go up to R8 299 for the 64GB version that includes a mobile broadband aerial. The new iPad features a much
Lorne Gladstone of Toronto is 58, but prudently pondering how to bequeath his digital property. Doing the paperwork after his parents’ death was a challenge. “When my time comes, I wonder if my children will even know what paper is,” he says. As a software developer, his virtual assets are both valuable and vital to his business. That
In the wake of the recent Flashfake Trojan, Kaspersky Lab has uncovered another threat to the Mac OS X environment. The malware, known as Backdoor (Backdoor.OSX.SabPub.a), was detected earlier this month and, like Flashfake, exploits a vulnerability in Java. Kaspersky says the number of users infected with this malware
On Monday, Moody’s, the ratings agency, downgraded Nokia’s debt to near junk status. The share price has been in freefall in the past year, with some analysts painting a bleak future for the Finnish company. Yes, it’s bad. But Nokia is already planting the seeds of its turnaround. There’s no doubt that fortunes are made and lost
Although some US analysts are predicting that Apple’s share price could push past the US$1 000/share barrier in the next 12 months, making it the first $1 trillion company, I believe the more “boring” technology companies such as Dell, Microsoft and Intel offer a more sensible prospect for investors. The market is valuing Apple’s operating
A common dig at Apple-desktop users is that they are delusional about its operating system’s resistance to viruses, worms and other malware. Your correspondent has been a Mac owner since 1985, and has lived through the original waves of viruses and worms, which targeted the Mac long before Windows. He and many other IT wonks
The new iPad will go on sale in SA from on Freedom Day, 27 April, Apple said in a statement on Monday. The third generation of Apple’s hot-selling tablet computer will go on sale in 12 markets on that date, including Israel, India and Thailand. “Apple today announced the new iPad, the third generation of its category defining mobile device
It is too much to expect one man single-handedly to rescue Sony, the Japanese firm which formerly made world-beating electronic products but is now almost as well-known for making losses. Even so, Kazuo Hirai, who unveiled his outlook for the company on 12 April, less than a fortnight after taking its management back into Japanese