Like many people without children, I think I’d make a good parent and as such will rescue my child’s future through far-reaching proclamations. For example, I’d ban them from social media. By James Francis.
Browsing: Opinion
Access to data will increase, and prices will fall, only if government gets out of the way and allows companies to have more spectrum and compete more freely. By Christo Hattingh.
It would be prudent to focus primarily on job creation in South Africa before crushing potential growth areas with formal prescriptions. By Gwen Ngwenya.
The joint and collaborative efforts of telecommunications providers will go a long way toward providing solutions and creating tomorrow’s technology-enabled workforce. By Vino Govender.
Analysts have long criticised Telkom since its entry into the mobile market in October 2010, which hasn’t come cheap. But it’s become the company’s saving grace.
Since their arrival, regulatory sandboxes have started – though slowly – to appear in areas beyond fintech. South African policy-makers need to pay attention. By Gwen Ngwenya.
Why does technology exist? Not just mobiles and tablets and bleeding-edge digital applications, but any sort of technology — the…
While state-owned enterprises such as Eskom, SAA and the SABC continue to make headlines for all the wrong reasons, one (partially) state-owned company is doing quite well, thank you very much. By Duncan McLeod.
The bid to create a regulatory environment in which technology can thrive will be thwarted if regulators take the position that innovation is what happens outside parliament and not within it. By Gwen Ngwenya.
The news that Google and US chip makers have frozen the supply of critical software and components to Huawei will have severe consequences for businesses and consumers, including in South Africa. By Duncan McLeod.