It is essential to recognise how pivotal the telecoms sector is to South Africa’s present and future.
Browsing: Opinion
There is a serious flaw in the Rica Act that has big implications for the effectiveness of police investigations.
Illegal power connections are syphoning off 37GWh of electricity per day from Eskom.
Many companies have moved to the cloud, but have they effectively replaced one set of challenges with another?
Every government should adopt evidence-based policies – and no good case has been built for the assumptions in the IRP 2023.
Last week, the Competition Commission published revised public interest guidelines relating to merger control.
TV licence non-compliance a perfect example of the dangers and wasteful nature of criminalising non-harmful behaviour.
Microgrids represent a paradigm shift, empowering communities to take control of their energy needs.
A lack of visibility into the extent of the CIPC hack and the information compromised puts companies at risk of fraud.
The role of the chief information security officer has evolved significantly, prompting questions about reporting structures.