Browsing: Enterprise software

This section on TechCentral covers all things open-source software in business.

Promoted | Knowing a few useful Linux command-line tricks can save you a lot of time and frustration. Here are some of the essential ones that could save you some keystrokes. By Red Hat’s Nuno Martins.

Promoted | Open-source technologies can help you lower costs and drive better business outcomes. Download the SUSE Consulting Services’ white paper now, which reveals five tangible tech solutions for uncertain economic times.

Promoted | Software containerisation is unlikely to be at the top of the list of considerations for the average storage administrator. However, there are compelling reasons why storage professionals should be thinking about it.

Promoted | Every company that sells enterprise technology has a long list of alliance partners. But if you spend time with partner executives and sales teams, you notice that some talk about partnering while others truly put energy into building relationships and joint solutions.