Search Results: jacob zuma (1283)

Media houses and other parties are asking the Western Cape high court to find that a clause in parliament’s broadcasting policy is unconstitutional and invalid because it does not allow the public to view all activities on the floor. Steven Budlender, for the applicants

South Africa’s failing Post Office has lurched from crisis to crisis in recent years – and there appears to be no end in sight to the malaise. A much-vaunted turnaround strategy, which was supposed to be

Pro-government newspaper The New Age received an advertising injection of more than R2m from the department of higher education, which joins a host of other departments in directing advertising

Quick on the heels of the department of trade & industry acknowledging that it has injected just short of R2m of advertising spend into The New Age newspaper – owned by the Gupta family – in the last

The department of trade and industry has plugged nearly R2m worth of advertising into The New Age newspaper – owned by the pro-ANC Gupta family – in the last three financial years. During the same period, the department of rural development and land

Companies should regularly have their boardrooms and communication devices swept for bugging devices, and even consider using the controversial cellphone jammer for meetings to protect their corporate intelligence, a private investigator has warned. “It is perfectly normal

The Film and Publication Board’s newly published draft online regulatory policy reflects a growing trend in government that at best betokens nanny statism and at worst a move towards more autocratic rule. The FPB, which was transferred to the department of communications

Parliament’s policy on the use of a wide-angle shot of the chamber during grave disturbances and unparliamentary behaviour is patently unconstitutional, the Western Cape high court heard on Friday. Steven Budlender, for Primedia Broadcasting, argued that it was the

Deputy president Cyril Ramaphosa was accused of hiding behind the sub judice rule on Wednesday when he declined to answer a question in parliament on signal jamming during last month’s state of the nation address. “Hearings in relation to