Search Results: jacob zuma (1283)

The market has failed to deliver broadband to all South Africans, hence government’s decision to intervene, naming Telkom as the…

Broadband Infraco appears to be in limbo. After national treasury made no mention of the state-owned telecommunications company in its latest budget vote allocations, an Infraco spokesman has downplayed industry talk that it will soon be put up for sale. “Broadband

Telkom “trusts” that the Financial Services Board and the JSE will “respond as necessary” in the wake of an allegation by Democratic Alliance leader Helen Zille on Tuesday that “those on the inside track” about government’s plan to name the company as its “lead

In addition to a R23bn lifeline to Eskom, government may also convert its subordinated loan to the embattled electricity supplier to equity, the national treasury said as finance minister Nhlanhla Nene

A motion for a full parliamentary probe into the role of security services in the removal of Electronic Freedom Fighters MPs from parliament on 12 February, and the jamming of the cellphone signal, was tabled in the national assembly on Tuesday. DA MP David Maynier called

With just four months to go until the deadline to switch off analogue television broadcasts, the digital migration programme may be about to be thrown into disarray once again. This is after a report on Wednesday that says that communications

Parliament learnt last Wednesday that a certain “device” would be used as part of security measures for the state-of-the-nation address, national assembly speaker Baleka Mbete has conceded, but said the plan was never to block journalists’ cellphone reception

Cabinet ministers on Sunday termed the loss of cellphone signal in the national assembly during the opening of parliament a “technical glitch”, and said the violence that marred the event would not

South African media houses will urgently seek a court order preventing security agencies from blocking communication signals to interfere with reporting as happened in parliament this week, the South