Search Results: jacob zuma (1283)

Reacting to concerns that President Jacob Zuma’s public utterances are causing the rand’s slide, finance minister Pravin Gordhan told media on Thursday that the rand does not operate on what

South Africans trust Eskom marginally more than President Jacob Zuma, according to an Ipsos survey. Zuma scored 53,1 out of 100 (with 100 signifying a perfect reputation), while Eskom scored 53,4 points. The poll was done through 3 617 face-to-face interviews with randomly selected

The firing of Nhanhla Nene and his replacement with inexperienced David van Rooyen at the behest of President Jacob Zuma was the type of political decision-making that was set to have

Social media has united thousands of South Africans who are calling for President Jacob Zuma to step down from his position as number one citizen. This comes after a number of shuffles in the vital ministry of finance were made this past week. In the latest change

Local and international markets have reacted aggressively to the axing of the “capable finance minister” Nhlanhla Nene, according to TreasuryOne. International markets have displayed their

The rand tanked to its lowest level yet against major currencies on Wednesday evening, shortly after President Jacob Zuma removed Nhlanhla Nene as finance minister and replaced him with largely unknown David van Rooyen. By midnight, the rand was trading at

President Jacob Zuma on Wednesday announced the removal of finance minister Nhlanhla Nene from the finance portfolio in cabinet. “I have decided to remove Mr Nhlanhla Nene as minister of finance, ahead of his deployment to another strategic position,” Zuma said in a

President Jacob Zuma and his Nigerian counterpart, Muhammadu Buhari, are set to meet in Johannesburg this week to discuss the US$5,2bn fine imposed by Nigerian authorities on South African telecommunications group MTN’s subsidiary in the West African nation, it was reported on Sunday

A focus on oceans, power generation and information and communications technology will move Africa towards a new era of inclusive growth, President Jacob Zuma said in New York on Sunday. Zuma told the Pan African Students Association at Princeton University