The JSE said on Monday that telecommunications company Huge Group had 10 days to release its results or face suspension of termination of its listing. Huge Group was meant to publish its results by the end of May. The JSE warned that Huge Group and

In this week’s post-Youth Day show, Duncan McLeod and Craig Wilson discuss Telkom’s results presentation on Monday, looking at the ongoing troubles at Multi-Links in Nigeria and 8ta’s latest subscriber numbers. They also chat about IBM’s centenary, the

All currencies are based on trust. In the days of the gold standard, that meant trusting that paper money was backed by bullion in a reserve. Centralisation was necessary in order to prevent counterfeiting and ensure money wasn’t simply printed on a whim. Of course, experience

Former Telkom CEO Reuben September’s ghost loomed large over the parastatal this week with the announcement that the fixed-line operator has lost R9,8bn because of its failed investment in Nigerian business Multi-Links. To put this loss into perspective, Telkom’s

An e-government revolution in municipalities, which was championed by cooperative governance & traditional affairs minister Sicelo Shiceka as part of the state’s much-vaunted local government turnaround strategy, is floundering at its pilot site in a small Gauteng

Moon, the debut from Duncan Jones, showed that the director could make a compelling science-fiction film on a shoestring. His new sci-fi thriller, Source Code, proves he is able to create smart and individualistic films even when he is working with a bigger

Founded in 1911, IBM is 100 years old on 16 June. TechCentral senior journalist Craig Wilson traces the rise and fall and rise of Big Blue. IBM was the result of a merger of four companies, engineered by a prominent financier

Former international cricketer Clive Rice, who now runs a successful telecommunications business, admits to me when I meet him at his home in Linksfield, Johannesburg for this profile interview that he’s lost a great deal of interest in the sport that once dominated his

Last week’s purchase by Visa of Cape Town-based mobile payments company Fundamo in a US$110m all-cash deal demonstrates clearly how the race is on to provide electronic financial services using cellphones, especially in emerging markets

Few things incite as much passion among technophiles as their choice of smartphone. In the 1990s, phones were merely functional or fashionable. Now they have been elevated to a quasi-religious status. So the news that Android is “crushing”