Browsing: Seacom

Seacom may soon cut international bandwidth prices. The cable operator’s first anniversary this month also marks the end of price-cutting restrictions placed on it by some of its anchor tenants. Brian Herlihy, Seacom’s president, says the agreement with anchor tenants — other telecommunications companies — ends on Seacom’s one-year anniversary on 23 July

ANC Youth League president Julius Malema wants government to nationalise two private sector-led telecommunications cable initiatives. The firebrand politician told supporters at a rally on Wednesday that the Seacom and East Africa Submarine System (Eassy) undersea cables should be acquired by the state

Telecommunications operator Neotel will launch its first prepaid services in the next four to six weeks as it attempts to lift its market share among retail consumers. The operator has fewer than 50 000 customers on its wireless network. “We are tying up the last set of operational issues ahead of launching

Neotel is stepping up its expansion programme, with a project that will see it deploying fibre-optic infrastructure to 300 buildings,…

MWeb dropped a bombshell on the SA Internet industry on Thursday morning when it announced it was slashing the cost of fixed-line broadband and introducing uncapped offerings starting at just R219/month. The move, which brings SA more in line with Internet prices in other markets, could spark a price war among Internet service providers in the next few months.