Browsing: Square Kilometre Array

One of the world’s largest collaborative science projects is about to enter its most exciting year yet. This will see researchers in a remote stretch of South Africa’s Karoo testing Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity

The Square Kilometre Array has reached another milestone, with a significant development that cements the way towards the second phase construction of the giant telescope. The Ghanaian and South African governments on Thursday

I grew up in a Kenyan village with dark skies and vivid stars. We admired the sky and listened to stories about it told by the elders. There were few expectations that the children in our village would ever understand the sky’s secrets

Something hugely important is happening in a vast, quiet stretch of the Northern Cape. A new radio telescope operating at just a quarter of its full power is revealing the universe’s secrets one image at a time. MeerKAT will ultimately become

Another delay has hit South Africa’s digital broadcast migration project as the agency behind the roll-out of set-top boxes has temporarily halted production of these devices. Set-top boxes decode digital signals for analogue television sets and